American Metallizing & Machine


American Metallizing & Machine, a repair and metallizing facility that specializes in the refurbishment and fabrication of Industrial parts for machinery and equipment. Established in 1999, AMM is owned and operated by experienced engineers and machinists who serve clients worldwide focused on being the best around.

The Challenge

AMM approached us dissatisfied with their previous website designer, concerned about escalating costs, and unhappy with the amount of time spent making edits to their site. They were in need of a website overhaul that would be cost-effective and meet their updated requirements with a hands-off approach.

The Solution

We collaborated with AMM to construct a budget-friendly website using the WordPress platform, offering simplified editing capabilities and reducing the owner's workload. Through close communication with the owner, we ensured that every aspect aligned with their vision. Additionally, they chose our review-based service to enhance their credibility and improve their ranking on Google searches by acquiring more reviews.

AMM Inc Hero Image

The Website

With roots dating back to 1999, preserving their branding was crucial to maintain continuity for returning clients. We implemented a mobile and web responsive system to ensure seamless viewing of information across all devices. Additionally, we optimized their services section to effectively showcase their capabilities and the industries they serve, enhancing customer understanding.

AMM Inc Homepage Layout
AMM Inc Responsive Web Layout
AMM Inc Alt Logo
AMM Inc webpages examples
AMM Inc Homepage
AMM Inc Services Page
AMM Inc Contact Us Page

The Reviews

Delighted with their updated website, they aimed to bolster their credibility and improve their Google ranking through increased reviews. Despite its simplicity, asking for reviews is often overlooked. We developed a dedicated page for customers to submit reviews for completed jobs, streamlining the process with a simple link that could be easily shared via email or text, providing a more manageable solution.

AMM Inc Reviews
AMM Inc Reviews Page